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Saturday, 29 December 2012

Tenure posting of officials in single handed & double handed post offices

No. 8-4/2005-INV                                                                                                                Dated: 05-12-2012


All Heads of Circles / Regional PMsG

Sub: Tenure posting of officials in single handed & double handed post offices- Preventive Vigilance Measure.

Sir/ Madam,

            Instructions were issued vide this office letter dated 22-09-2005 to the effect that officials who had been posted as SPM/ PA in a single handed or double handed post office irrespective of period of posting/ completion of tenure should not be posted back to the same office after a break. It was suggested that officials in single handed or double handed post office can have only one posting in the same single/ double handed PO during their service period. However, only in respect of double handed post offices the CPMG/ PMG were given the discretion to personally relax this provision in specific cases, if warranted by exceptional administrative exigencies. This was done as a preventive vigilance measure and to have better administrative management and control of single/ double handed offices.
2. Subsequently , power to relax the aforesaid stipulations vested with the Chie PMG/ Regional PMG in respect of double handed SOs, was extended in respect of single handed post offices also vide Directorate letter of even no. dated 12-01-2012.
3. It has now been decided that the aforesaid powers vested with the Chief PMG/ Regional PMG in respect of single handed and double handed post offices to consider an official, who had earlier served in the single / double handed office to be posted back to the same office or other single and double handed office in the Division, will henceforth be exercised by the Divisional Heads subject to the following conditions:
i) The Divisional Head will satisfy himself/ herself about the antecedents and character of the officials for whom the proviso are being relaxed; and a note to this effect will be given in the file.
ii) No official will be posted back to the same single handed/ double handed post offices on transfer / deputation or otherwise before a break of full tenure period.
iii) Information about cases of relaxation so exercised by the Divisional Head will be communicated to the Regional PMG/ Chief PMG as the case may be, in a half yearly statement.
4. This issues with the approval of Secretary (Posts).

                                                                                                Yours sincerely,   

                                                                                                ( Som Nath Chuchra )
                                                                                    Assistant Director General (INV-I) 

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