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Wednesday 29 March 2017

Directorate Letter No. 20-45/2016-SPB-II dated 18th Feb 2017 regarding clarification on Benchmark for Promotion.

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Tuesday 28 March 2017

Instructions for executing End of Year (EOY) in CBS post offices/CPCs

Respected Sir/Madam, 
 The competent authority has taken following decisions for executing End of Year (EOY) activities for 2016-17 in CBS Post Offices/CPCs:- 

1.  On 1.4.2017, no CBS Post Office will do any transaction but staff working on CBS will attend post office and follow instructions (as and when ) issued by CEPT Team Chennai. (A public notice should be put on the notice board of all CBS Post Offices that due to End of Year, no transaction will be accepted on 01.04.2017 and Monthly/Quarterly Interest of MIS/SCSS if due on 1st April 2017 will be paid on 03.04.2017. ATMs will be operational on 01/04/2017). Salary & Pension uploads should be done after completion of EOD for 1st April 2017. 

2. CBS Post Offices should ensure that no unverified account or modification in accounts of SB/PPF/SSA/NSS-87/NSS-92 remains unverified as interest is not calculated for any account if any modification is unverified, as on 31/03/2017. Concerned staff should be alerted so that such lapses may be avoided. 

3.  All CBS Post Offices, on 31.3.2017, should do transactions latest up to 1700 hours and verify all the transactions simultaneously so that there may be no Blocking Transactions at 1700 hours. All CBS Post Offices should complete HISCOD latest by 1800 hours, except those SOLs which await clearing information from the respective HOs. CPCs should monitor this activity and any blocking validation should be reported to FSI Helpdesk and CEPT Team, immediately on noticing so that solution can be provided well in time. 

4. CBS Head Post Office dealing with clearing house, should intimate cheque clearing intimation of the cheques cleared on 31.03.2017 to other linked CBS HOs and SOs well in time on 31.03.2017 either over mail or phone so that credit/debit can be afforded well in time. Late clearance activity and corresponding credits/debits should be handled by the clearing house POs without any delay. (Please note that in case of PPF Accounts maturing on 31.03.2017, cheque cleared before 31.03.2017 will not be allowed to be credited after 31.03.2017)

5.  CEPT FSI Team will be disabling certain menus according to the requirements during EOY Batch execution to control resource utilisation; CPCs will be kept informed from time-to-time on this and should coordinate with their SOLs on this exercise.

6.   Reports regarding Interest credited in SB/SSA/PPF/NSS-87 and NSS-92 accounts of a CBS post office, Silent Account maintenance Fee charged and Total number of accounts marked as silent (total amount and accounts for a Post Office and not account-wise) will be intimated through CPCs by the end of first week of April 2017.

7.  All the concerned teams who are part of the EOY activity (CPC SPOCs, EOD Support Team, CEPT Team) should be available on 2nd April, 2017 and ensure that EOY activity are completed smoothly. 

Instructions for CPCs 

1. CPCs should call post offices under their jurisdiction on 31.03.2017, help in clearing blocking validations and ensure smooth completion of HISCOD. 

2.   HSCOD will be executed by CEPT team centrally; CPC teams should be available till HSCOD is completed for all their respective SOLs. 

3.  All CPCs will remain open during the night of 31.03.2017 and duties of staff should be notified in shifts. 

Circles/Regions/Divisions should ensure that these instructions are followed scrupulously by all CBS Post Offices and CPCs. 
With regards,
Sachin Kishore
Director (CBS)
Sansad Marg,
Dak Bhavan


Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation ki 75th Federal Executive Meeting at  Bodh Gaya Birla Dharamshala (Bihar) dated 26th 27th March -2017  

Wednesday 22 March 2017

                                                       IMPORTANT NEWS


The Secretary General B.P.E.F. met to Secretary (Posts) today and discussed about cadre restructuring of RMS & other wings. The Secretary (Posts) informed that the report of cadre restructuring sent to DOP&T. Orders are going to be issued in this matter very soon. 

Tuesday 21 March 2017

                               BREAKING NEWS FOR GDS

There was a meeting with Committee formed for implementation of GDS Committee Report under the Chairmanship of Shri Tilak De - Hon’ble Member (P)  on 17-3-2017 with all the Three Federations and GDS Unions in Dak Bhawan . BPEF/ GDS Union has submitted a memorandum to Member (P) . You can see it on this website.

Now we can say that Department as well as committee is going submit GDS committee report and suggestions of union to Hon’ble Minister of Communication for further approval from expenditure Department. on or upto 24-3-2017 (Friday)   for its implementation. On 20-3-2017 BPEF has requested to Hon’ble Minister for Communication for early implementation of GDS Committee report. The attitude of Govt. is very positive for implementation of GDS Committee report. 


Monday 20 March 2017


Six member officers committee under the Chairmanship of Member (T) constituted to examine the Report and submit its recommendation for implementation.

Federation/unions are called by the Committee for presenting their views and suggestion before the Committee.

Shri S.K. Mishra , Secretary General , BPEF , Shri S.K. Singh Secretary General BPEF and Shri M.S. Chandel , General Secretary , BPEA Gr ‘C’ presented views and suggestions of BPEF  & BEDEU -GDS before the committee. Detailed letter was also submitted to the Committee.

Dear Brothers ,

The Postal Board has initiated the process for implementation of Kamlesh Chandra Committee Report on GDS. A Six member officers committee is constituted to examine the Report and submit its recommendations for implementation of the Report. The following are the Chairman and Members of the Committee.

1.        Shri Tilak De, Member (T)                                 -        Chairman
2.        Shri B. Chandrasekhar, Chief PMG Telangana      -        Member
3.        Shri S. R. Meena, Chief PMG, Gujarat Circle        -        Member
4.        Shri A. K. Roy, DDG (RB)                                  -        Member
5.        Ms. Smriti Saran, DDG (Estt)                             -        Member
6.        Shri. Hari Govind Dhakad, Director (T&C)           -        Member

The Committee invited Federations/Unions for discussion for presenting their views and suggestions, regarding the recommendations of Kamlesh Chandra Committee. Today (17.03.2017) Shri S.K. Mishra , President , BPEF , Shri S.K. Singh ,  Secretary General, BPEF  and Shri M.S. Chandel , General Secretary, BPEA Gr. C  held discussion with the Committee for one hour and presented the views and suggestions of BPEF & BEDEU-GDS before the Committee. Shri Sugandhi Kr. Mishra , General Secretary, BEDEU-GDS could not reach Delhi as the meeting was called with short notice. A detailed letter containing the views and suggestions was also presented to the committee.

 BPEF/ GDS Committee/ 2017                                                       Dated: 20-3-2017
                Shri Tilak De ji
            Hon’ble Member (T)
            Postal Services Board
            Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

            We are thankful to entire team  of one –man GDS Committee headed by Shri Kamlesh Chandra for making observations over each factor of GDS system by considering it as  “SOUL “ of Deptt. (Para 4.49)
Through recommendations, it  tried to establish a G.D.S. System which should increase job security, prevent exploitation and increase income of GDS so that  they may  live  happily with this system and with existing legal status awarded to them.
            The committee tried to remove , with Data , a  misconception  that  GDS POs are only  causing Departmental  deficit . The deficit  incurred by GDS is   only 45% of total deficit and 15% of total expenditure (para 4.48) . It also became successful to prove  that gap between revenue earned and expenditure incurred  by GDS POs is very less.
            It was successful in reminding the Department that where work load  and traffic were not favorable the courier services  were allowed to function and similarly  100% FDI was also allowed to fulfills USO  responsibilities . Therefore , it is responsibility  of Deptt. to  assist the GDS system in order to increase USO obligations  and business  in rural  sector, (para 4.4).
            The most attractive point of committee over which  it based its  observation  was  Hon’ble P.M. Narendra Modi  ji slogan “SABKA SAATH  SABKA VIKAS”. 
         By way of recommendations , it tried to improve system not only quantitatively  but also qualitatively.     Its recommendation  were in midway between Talwar Committee in higher side and Natraj Murti Committee recommendation in lower side. .
1.    Duty hours & New Wage system : 11 TRCA slabs are sub subsumed into 3 wage scales with  two levels of BPM & ABPMs. Out of six GDS category one will be called BPM and other 5 will be multitasking category whose  jobs will no longer be  confined to their old designation. The ABPM will Assist BPM for increasing revenue generation . The job profile  is expanded to include Business Development and Marketing. Incentive to ABPM (MD&MC) for delivery work of Speed post & COD work etc. are also to be granted . ABPM have to do combined duty of BPM  . The Time factors of Dak  Sevaks of Departmental POs have to be assessed  with Departmental norms but duties will be upto 5 Hrs. only . In general    Duty  hours were made 4 hrs. and 5 hrs. with  minimum wage 10,000 Maximum 35480/-. Status of Dak Sevaks & ABPM is equivalent and name will be  exchanged on transfer.  Vide para  3-31-11 committee gave independence to rename   them  on advice of union . Therefore, we suggest :
1.    Dak Sevaks be renamed  as Assistant Postman / Asstt. Mailman as the case may be.
2.    BPMs may also be allowed to get incentive  as being allowed to PAs of Deptt. POs  in a similar way ABPM were allowed . 
3.    The revenue generation binding for moving from Level –I to II may be reduced.
4.    Annual increment  of 3% may be allowed with  open ended pay scales.
5.    Max. 7.30 hrs. duty hours may be allowed.
6.    No GDS offices should be closed and instead relocated  at suitable place. 
7.    Existing wage of GDS should not be reduced in case of the BO fails to achieve revenue norms fixed under revenue related categorizations of BO
8.    Strengthen Sub POs by converting all single handed Sub Post office with double handed. 

2.    Abolition of Point System , Revenue generation plan and making marketing efforts :

 Wages were delinked from workload and made dependent over revenue generation. In General, Duty hours were fixed 4 hrs. In case defined revenue is not generated it can be  opened  upto 30 Minutes more .  

Committee vide Para 4.50 refers that  More than revenue Generation, it is  the reach and trust of GDS network which enable the Deptt. to deliver trust worthy service in each & every part of country that cannot be quantified in term of revenue and is far beyond realm of expenditure.

Committee vide Para 6.80 refers that  Door to door marketing & budget allotment for the purpose are some of prime factor which do not found any importance for rural business which is emerging as a major source of revenue of Deptt. The potentials of GDS are also not being trapped properly.

Committee Vide Para 6.81 emphasis   that :-  The GDS are not used for marketing as this job has not been added as duty in job profile in existing term  of engagement . The Deptt. should utilize the same for marketing and add it as a function in job principle.

Committee Vide Para 6.8.7 suggest that  Annual business target for SO and GDS PO should not be marked  individually and  instead a consolidated target should be given to sub Divisional Head consisting of all so & GDS PO of Sub. Division .

 Therefore we suggest that ,
1.    Minimum 5 hrs duty, with 1 hrs. for marketing work may provided to GDS  . Therefore, minimum wage should be made 12,500 -30,000 , 15000- 36000, 15000-36000, 17000- 44000.
2.    Independence in marketing effort be provided to GDS  instead of Sub division team (Para 6.86.11)  which can be checked  by  Inspecting team.
3.    Proper training in each work may be provided.
4.    Work of NSC/KVP and speed post may also be provided . All services offered in SO  may be provided to GDS POs Para (6.86.22)
5.    Withdrawal limit may be made 2,00,000/-.
6.    Composite allowance may be allowed with increased amount.
7.    BPM   may be given name plates and ABPM may be given  name badges.  
8.    Shift maximum GDS POs to Panchayat or Govt. Building.
9.    Corporate Business houses,  Schools college may also be allowed to open  GDS PO by  bearing 100% Expenditure .

3.    Promotion , Transfer and leave facility

(i)            The MACPs provision may be equated  with Departmental employees provision of 10,20 & 30 years.
(ii)          Eligible GDS BPM may be posted as PA by paying pro-rate wages as being done  towards ABPMs in case of PM/MTS vacancies.

(iii)         26 Week maternity leave for women GDS withfull pay , one week paternity leave . 5 day casual leave in lieu of emergency leave . Leave accumulation  up to 180 days may be allowed .
(iv)         Committee Vide Para 9.25 suggest that there are proper justification for relaxing the limited transfer facilities and making it liberal to adjust GDS to the place of choice so that they can perform  well  and live better life . Thus, three  transfer facility  on own cost as recommended by committee   may be made unlimited.
(v)          Vide Para 17.21 it recommended  restriction in the power of Sub Divisional Head for put of duty it may be allowed.  
  (iv) Vide Para 16.25 it suggested  that Rule 7 of D.G. Circular 23 dated 24-2-70     amended time to time has provision of employing substitute by GDS itself. It  may be retained.  
       Recruitment Rules & other provisions
1.    Vide para 15.2 it recommends increase in DR quota of GDS in appointment in PM/MG cadre. It may be allowed.
2.    Vide Para 11-49-16 it recommends that  GDS of one office should be given combined  duty in the same office or in jurisdiction  of same offices . In no case GDS of one office should be given  duty to   another office . It may be allowed.
3.    Vide Para 11-49-15 committee recommends that all Single handed GDS PO should be provided with one more hand as per Directorate instructions so that instances  of combined duty  may be reduced to barest minimum. It may be allowed.  
4.    Vide Para 10.41 & 10.42 it suggest that the period of absence without allowances  may be counted as qualifying service for all purpose including annual increment  . It may be allowed.
5.    Condition of alternate source of income may be removed.
6.    Voluntary  retirement after 20 year of services may allowed.
7.    On line recruitment method  may be  accepted . Local language may be made necessary. Compilation of a GDS  selection rule- instruction & procedure may be published . Valid D.L. may be made mandatory for GDS . The Department should stop obtaining securities  in form of FG Bond and should introduced  system of pledging of  5 year TD  account or NSC as security.  Casual labour may be given preference for appointment GDS cadre .
1.    CEA may be made at par with Departmental Employees.
2.    Risk and Hardship allowance may be made 1000 P.M.
3.    The amount of every  allowance should increase by  25% as  DA cross 50%/.
           Social Security Scheme & Welfare Scheme
1.    The committee Vide Para 19.32.9 recommends that the Deptt. should allow two union with Federation for GDS category of employees . One for BPM and other for ABPM by granting them usual trade union facilities to enable the categories to present their grievances  at appropriate level . 
2.    The contribution towards CWF has been recommended to increase from Rs. 100 to Rs. 300. Therefore ,  Full medical facilities may be provided to GDS as  Departmental employees are getting by deduction for CGHS .
3.    SDBS contribution may be made  5% with similar contribution from Department.  
4.    Ceiling of ex-gratia  gratuity may increase up to 10,0000/-
5.    Bonus : Ceiling of Ex –gratia  bonus may be enhanced at par with Departmental employees.
6.    Compassionate  appointment – (1) Vide  para 19.24 committee suggested that there may not be any harm in reviving the rejected cases on the basis of reduced point system from 50 to 36 from the date of introduction of point system. (2) There must be 100% compassionate appointment of dependence of GDS .
7.    20% Departmental budget may be awarded as Welfare budget for GDS POs.
8.    Loan of purpose of TAB/Mob. With 5% interest may be allowed.
9.    Severance Amount may be increased 2 lakhs.  

     S.K. Singh                                                     Sugandhi Kr. Mishra
Secretary General –BPEF                           General Secretary –BEDEU (GDS)

Sunday 19 March 2017

         A meeting was held with Member (P &Tec.) in his chamber at Dak Bhawan on 17-3-2017 . Shri S.K. Mishra , President - BPEF , Shri S.K Singh ,Secretary General -BPEF , Shri Sanjay Sinha , Gen. Secy. Postal Accounts, Shri A.K. Jain , Gen. Secy. BR-IV , Shri Premchand Singh Bihar and Shri M.S. Chandel , Gen Secy. Postal Class-III were present in meeting.
          The General Secretary BP-III Shri M.S. Chandel demanded that LSG cadre should be divisionalised   and one time relaxation in RR should be granted from LSG to HSG-II and from HSG-II to HSG-I for filling up all the vacant post of these cadre.
In present most of employees of LSG cadre are giving refusal due to their transfer from one District / Division to another District / Division and the post of HSG-II and HSG-I are running vacant due to requirement of 6 year & 5 year service in LSG & HSG-II .

          Hon'ble Member (P &Tec.) principally agreed and assured the delegation for putting this issue before Secretary (P) as well as Postal Services Board for decision. Director (Estt.) was also present in meeting.        

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Sunday 12 March 2017

                                                                        "वन्देमातरम "

      भारतमाता के परम वैभव पर पहुँचने  का प्रशस्त होता मार्ग 
       राष्ट्रवादी विचारधारा के साथ  देश में फिर एक बार केसरिया                                          परचम लहराया  
   इस महान उपलब्धि के सूत्रधार राष्ट्रनायक माननीय प्रधानमंत्री जी 
             एवं समस्त राष्ट्रवादी परिवार को बहुत बहुत बधाई 

          सौजन्य से :- भारतीय डाक कर्मचारी महासंघ परिवार 

Friday 10 March 2017



You all are well aware that as per direction of some foreign elements the said comrades have become habitual to serve notice of one day strike to give honour of “Red Salute” to their God father in every year and try to celebrate it as festival. This strike is not for making pressure upon Government to solve any problem but this is only a false effort to oppose for opposing.

 We would like to make very clear that when the  strike will be necessary in favour of employees against Govt. policies , we will issue notice of strike and  will stand in first row of strikers.

The announce date of this strike was in February 2017 in earlier notice. But it was changed for 16th March 2017 in a planned way. One of our dynamic leader from Allahabad Postal Division, Shri Vikram Sing generally use to says that these people are very cleaver persons. When these comrades get news about  some new achievements going to be  come out  very soon, at the same time they issue strike notice to draw  attention of employees for taking credit. Dear brother, it is inform you that the allowances committee has given its  report to the  Government but due to Model code conduct regarding Elections in some states , it could not  be announced timely. This is the reason of one day strike. In one hand, they want to take credit and secondly they want to please their said god father.

BPEF appeals to our members and office bearers to perform their duties and remain away from this strike to demoralise these elements by your high moral way which is our identity.

                                                        Office Secretary- BPEF