IMPORTANT NEWS align=center

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

                                       (An All India Industrial Units of B.M.S.) 
                                  T-21, Atul Grove Road , New Delhi-110 001


            Shri …………………………………….
Sub:    Appointment as convener of ………...........Circle  By Federal Executive meeting dated 17-12-2013 at T-21, Atul Grove Road , New Dlehi-110 001.

Dear brother,

            In the meeting dated 17-12-2013 you have been appointed as convener of ……………  Circle for one year. The further continuance will be based on performance in respect of following items:
1.    Reporting of actual number of membership of forms deposited in April -2014 of each union. 
2.    Reporting of actual list of membership subscription deducted from the salary of July, 2014 of each union. 
3.    Collection of Federation Quota over the Receipt book No.  ….  Enclosed with this letter from every Divisional Secretary of every union.
4.    Full advertisement of agitational / federation activities. In this regard every Circle Secretary should be pursued to distribute all information to through hand bills to each member in every month.  The matter for handbill may be collected from the Federation.  They may also be advised to go through the for every type of information.
5.    Close watch over the Circle & Divisional Conference of every union so that they are convened in time. The phone number, Name & addresses of Divisional Secretary/ Treasurer / President and date of conferences may be noted in a register.  It may be brought in every meeting of the Federation. 
6.    Reporting every month to the Federation about the activities of each union and the work done by yourself for correcting the records of Federation.   
It has also been decided that your entire expenditure will bear by Circle Secretary from their circle quota.

Please circulate this letter to every Circle / Divisional Secretaries of each union on your own to set right all above activities and for their information. This system is being developed to make Mission-2015 grand success. 

With regards,

                                                                                    Yours brotherly,

                                                                                    (S.K. Mishra )
                                                                                    Secretary General

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