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Wednesday 3 June 2015

Secretary General BPEF writes for meeting with Postal Board over the item of Agenda 

BPEF/ Meeting/Date/Fixation/2015                                        Dated: 03-06-2015


            The Secretary
            Department of Posts
            Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110 001

Sub:    Regarding fixation of date, time and place of meeting of BPEF with
            Postal Services Board.

Respected Madam,

            We are well aware that the matter of grant of meeting over the agenda items submitted by BPEF & its affiliated unions is in active process in the Department Unfortunately, date time and place of meeting with Postal Board has not been decided yet. I, on behalf of BPEF and its affiliated unions demand for the fixation of meeting over the agenda items submitted to your good self on 21-1-2015 and 18-02-2015 and 1-4-2015 (Annexed).

            It is once again requested that the date time and place of meeting may be decided at earliest under timely intimation to us.

            The representatives seeking meeting are as under.

Federation representatives

1.  . 1. Shri S.K. Mishra Secretary General BPEF working in % DA (P) Lucknow –Mob. No.              8090012324
2.   2. Shri Santosh Kumar Singh Working President BPEF working in % SSRM Lucknow ‘O’ Dn. Mob. No. 09450395010.
3.   3. Shri Man Mohan Sharma, President , BPEF working in % Postmaster Vidisha (M.P.) Mob. No. 09425020322

 General Secretaries of affiliated Unions.

4.    Shri Balram Pandey , General Secretary BP Civil Wing (Recognized) working in AE (Elect.)  Patna. Mob No. 09431633993
5.    Shri Sanjay Kumar Sinha, General Secretary, BPAOEA (Recognized) BPEF working in % DA (P) Patna Mob. No. 09934704467.
6.    Shri M.S. Chandel, General Secretary, BPEA Gr. C working in % Postmaster Betul H.O. (M.P.) Mob. No. 09406914077
7.    Mohd. Zafrullah Khan, General Secretary, BPEA Postman & MTS working in % Postmaster Hyderabad H.O. Mob. No. 09849793602
8.    Shri Anish Mishra, General Secretary, BRMS-III working in T.M.O. New Delhi Stg. Dn. Mob. No. 9891081118
9.    Shri A.K. Jain, General Secretary, BRMS-IV working in MP Dn. Itarsi RMS (M.P. ) Mob. No 08109359733
10.  Shri Sugandhi Kr. Mishra, General Secretary BEDEU working as BPM, Midnapur (W.B.) Mob. No. 07872724974
11.  Shri Rakesh Kumar Shrivastava, General Secretary, BPAOEU. Working in % CPMG Lucknow Mob. No. 09415422845

With regards,

                                                                      Yours sincerely 
Enclose: Agenda Item.
        ( S.K. Mishra )
                                                                       Secretary General

                              AGENDA ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION

Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation

Item No. 1:  The Department has revised its approved RR of Postman /MTS  to the extent  that 25% quota of open market vacancies will be provided to GDS on seniority cum- fitness basis and remaining vacancies may be filled from open market.

            We propose that the remaining vacancies may be filled from wards of deceased seeking   compassionate appointment in addition to  5% ceiling  vacancies .

 Item No. 2: All circles may be communicated that nomination  of BPEF representatives may be ensured  for inclusion in the Welfare & Sports committee at all levels.
 Item No. 3 : We have visited all most all circles and found that all circle office premises have sufficient accommodation to  provide it  to BPEF & its affiliated unions  but the same is being denied . It is therefore, requested that instruction to all circles  may be issued to provide the accommodation at circle office premises to BPEF & its affiliated unions  on demand and availability.  

 BPEA Association Gr. ‘C’ affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1: The Circles are denying the entitlement of 2nd  & 3rd MACPS in contrary with  clarification at  Sl. No. 1 of Department communication No. 4-7/(MACPS)/ 2009 –PCC Dated 18-10-2010 to  employees promoted in PA cadre as 1st promotion in less than 10 years. They are  allowing the promotion for  1st & 2nd  MACPS to directly recruited P.A. as clarified there  – Hence  we request for decision in the following case on the basis of above provision rejected by Orissa Circle and extension of similar benefit to employees of all Circles.for example     
The case of Shri K.K. Kar , S.A. ‘N’ Dn. RMS Bhubaneswar Orissa circle
. DOE as Mail Man                                    - 18-10-1983,
  Date of first promiittee in SA cadre           -  22-2-1989 
 TBOP in SA cadre – on                            - 13-03-2005
 The Orissa Circle has denied his 3rd MACPS due on 22-2-2009 i.e after 20 years from entry in S.A. cadre and instead provided 3rd MACPS in 2013 on completion of 30 years of service contrary to the clarification at Sl.  No. 1 of Department of Communication dated 18-10-2010 ( all circles communication enclosed as Annexure-I). 
We also request that the case may be  ordered to get  clarified in consultation with Internal  Finance Wing of Department of Posts as was done with MACPs order dated 6-9-2010 & 18-7-2011 regarding erstwhile Gr. D now MTS and new revised general orders were issued vide No. 10-20/2008-PCC dated  4-11-2013 which benefited most of employees  and were in line with orders of DOP&T.

Item No. 2: The Circles are denying entitlement of 2nd & 3rd MACPS to TBOP PAs switched over to Post Master cadre before completion of 20 years of service in PA cadre. The Postmaster Cadre has been created from LSG posts but some PA (TBOP) were allowed to switchover in that cadre without pay fixation benefit as both were carrying similar grade pay. As per the MACPS instructions the promotion in Postmaster Cadre may be ignored as par para 5 of it and further MACPS may be allowed as per clarification   at Sl. No. 1 of Department communication dated 18-10-2010-Hence we request for decision in the following case as per the MACPS orders  for example.  
Case of Shri Ram Singh vellshing Pardeshi PM Grade –I  ISP Nasik Road
DOE in PA cadre                                                 14-7-82,
Date of TBOP                                                       14-4-2008
Date of appointment in P.M. cadre                       08 --09-2011 .
He has been  communicated by Division that he has to await another 10  years from P.M. Grade –I for any further MACPS as he has changed the cadre from Postal Assistant to Postmaster cadre .( Decision Annexed as Annexure –II ).
 We also request that the case may be ordered to get clarified in consultation with Internal Finance Wing of Department of Posts as was done with MACPs order dated 6-9-2010 & 18-7-2011 regarding erstwhile Gr. D now MTS and new revised general orders were issued on 4-11-2013 which benefited most of employees and were in line with orders of DOP&T.
Item No. 3 : Problem in APM Accounts cadre
  As per MOF OM No. F.6(1)-E.II(B)/68 dated 08-01-1968 : Special pay in lieu of separate higher scale drawn in   lower post continuously  for a period of three years on the date of promotion / financial up-gradation under the Normal rules was allowed to be treated as part of Basic pay for the purpose of pay fixation. This principle has been forcefully clubbed while implementing judgement in case of Mohan Kumar & others in OA No. 296/2002 dated 22-10-02 and deptt. issued order vide F.No. 2-19/2011-PAP dated 10-1-2013 restricting the benefits to all employees up to 22-04-98 i.e in conditions of Mohan Kumar.

The fact is that there are others employee who  have actually drawn special pay  continuously for   3 years on the date of promotion  and their claim has been ignored by Deptt. by issuance of respected  order dated 10-1-2013.  

We, demand that the general order dated 10-1-2013 may be revised and special allowance  may be taken as part of pay during the promotion without making restriction of extension of benefit upto  24-4-98 only.   
BPEA Postman & MTS affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1: Entitlement of 2nd & 3rd MACPS to those erstwhile Gr. D now MTS who have appeared in Postman & Mail guard as well as Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant promotion examination in the capacity of eligible Gr. D and became successful in both examination but joined Postman cadre first  and after few months joined in PA cadre when result came.

            On implementation MACPS scheme from 1-9-2008 the circles are considering this switching over from Postman cadre to PA cadre as promotion against the recruitment rules of Postal Assistant which allows promotion from Gr. D directly into PA cadre and not via Postman cadre. Similar ruling ignore switch over to Gr. D Postman for MACPS purposes in r/o GDS going group ‘D’ and later on joining Postman cadre by passing and reexamination in capacity of GDS were issued vide No. 4-7/MACP -2009/PCC dated 23-4-11.  .  

We demand that Directorate issued necessary instructions to the Circles that such switching over from Postman post to Postal Assistant post may be ignored for the purpose of grant of MACPS benefits.

We also request that the case may be ordered to get clarified in consultation with Internal  Finance Wing of Department of Posts as was done with MACPs order dated 6-9-2010 & 18-7-2011 regarding erstwhile Gr. D now MTS and new revised general orders were issued vide No. 10-20/2008-PCC dated  4-11-2013 which benefited most of employees  and were in line with orders of DOP&T.

Item No. 2  ;  The pre-revised scale of 3050-4590 of Postman was upgraded by 6th CPC to the pre-revised pays Scale of 3200-4900 . This entry scale  came to   lie at par with TBOP scale of Postman. After implementation of  MACPS 1-9-2008 the promotions/ up-gradations in the same pay scale are being ignored for the purpose of grant of MACPS benefits. But these Postman are not getting benefit of this provision . We therefore request that the circles may be instructed to ignore TBOP promotions and grant further MACPS.

We also request that the case may be ordered to get clarified in consultation with Internal Finance Wing of Department of Posts as was done with MACPs order dated 6-9-2010 & 18-7-2011 regarding erstwhile Gr. D now MTS and new revised general orders were issued on 4-11-2013 which benefited most of employees  and were in line with orders of DOP&T.

Item No. 3 : The grant of selection grade lift Man cadre working in postal Building maintenance Deptt. under CPMGs. at par with those working in Civil wing of Department of Post and Department of Telecom.

 The lift operator in Civil Wing as well as lift man in Postal Building maintenance staff are  same in all respect as mentioned in Department communication – A-4/2010-PCC dated 2-5-2011 communicated to CPMG Maharashtra Circle. Though this communication department accepts that though selection grade after 8 years of service in lift man cadre is available in CPWD but the same is not mentioned in RR of Lift man working in Department of post.

Since the Civil Wing of Department of Post has modified its  RR of Lift Man and  has granted selection grade after 8 years of service to the Lift Man working at Dak Bhawan . The case of  Shri K.L. Tiwari , Lift operator working in Dak Bhawan, New Delhi  and granted selection grade vide letter No. ED (E)PED-1/ND/DPC/762-66 dated 13-08-2013 is being cited as example for modification of RR of lift Man of Postal Building maintenance staff under CPMGs .

            In view of above, we demand that the same benefit may be extended to lift man of Postal Building Maintenance staff. The case of Shri S.S. Jadhav working as lift man in Bombay GPO in Maharashtra Circle is being cited for not getting selection grade in lift man cadre.  

 BPAOEA ( Postal Accounts ) affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1 :  Despite clear-cut guideline of the DOP&T at Sl. No. 3 of O.M. No. 35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) Dated 9th September, 2010 regarding grant of ACP in new pay structure and the manner to provide ACP Grade pay in new pay structure through clarification No. 27 of  F.No. 35034/3/2008-Estt. (D) dated 1-4-2011 issued by DOP&T and circulated by Deptt. of Post  for the employees whose pre-revised scales  of appointment and promotions have been merged, the PA wing of the Department of Post is unable to decide the ACP –I & ACP-II Grade pay for the erstwhile Gr. D now MTS whose ACP benefits are due between 1-1-2006 & 1-9-2008. Similarly the ACP scales in new pay structure regarding Stenographers working in Deptt. of Posts circulated by Deptt. vide F.No. 4-7/(MACP)/2009-PCC dated 23-5-2011 is not being implemented in PA wing.

            We demand immediate instructions regarding ACP-I & ACP-II grade pay of erstwhile Gr. D now MTS and Stenographers working in Postal Accounts may be issued.  

Item No. 2:  Proposal of restructuring in postal Accounts.

            The restructuring proposal is r/o merging of cadre of LDC, Sorter & Data entry operator and remaining them as Accounts Assistant and placing them is Grade Pay of 2400 has been returned by Finance Ministry for having financial Concurrence and approval of competent authority. The proposal is still pending, we demand its submission with all formalities to Finance Ministry.

 Similarly restructuring proposal is r/o up-gradation /replacement grade pay to Senor A/c to Rs. 4600 has been returned by Finance Ministry for having finance concurrence and proper recommended of concerned Authority. The same is  still pending with PA wing of Deptt. of Posts , therefore,  we demand its submission Finance Ministry after completion of all formalities .  

 Item No. 3 : The BPAOEA has won a judgement in O.A. /050/00440/2014 & MA/050/00094/2015 on 11-5-2015 in favour of its members regarding stepping up of pay and  not pay scale with respect to Junior drawing higher salary due to implementation of ACPs benefits with direction to extend the similar benefits of the order passed in O.A. 2124 of 2011 to the applicants of this O.A. by way of stepping up of their pay at par with their juniors in the same cadre.

 We request that this judgement may be implemented immediately to member of BPAOEA as on date of judgement. It is pertinent to mention here  that  Departmental orders & provisions necessary for implementation of this judgement have already been   issued to units by PA wing of Department of Posts and units have paid the eligible amounts to applicants in a similar O.A. 2124 of 2011.  

 BRMS & MMS Employees Union Class-III  affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1: Revising of OTA / OSA rates:

 (i) The R .M.S. staff that travel in RMS section are granted an out station allowance instead of the usual travelling allowances on account of period of absence from HQ in connecting with such duties exceeding six hours. The OTA are being granted for completion of those work which can not  be suspended for even a single minutes  and therefore an employee has to continuous that work beyond duty hours.

In R.M.S. running sections and set duties if his replacement do not turn up then same employee is asked to continue the journey and work for next 24 or 48 hours so that transmission and delivery of Mail do not suffer. The 6th CPC has not imposed any restriction of OTA but our department who is running RMS section and  allow complete 8 hours duty must give one day pay in lieu of OTA.

Therefore we demand that OSA be revised and the RMS employee may not be placed alongwith general pool employees who occasionally  work on OTA . Suitable approach to grant complete one day work may be made. 

Item No. 2 : Incentive to RMS employees may be provided for transmission  of sorting of speed Post Article. 

 Item No. 3 :  The RMS employees may be allowed to appear in PSS Gr. B Exam. similarly the cadre equaled to Postmaster cadre may be created in RMS wing of Department.  
 BRMS & MMS Mailguard & Gr. D affiliated to BPEF
Item No. 1 : Regarding for seniority Cum-fitness promotion from Mailguard to Sorting Assistant : 

It was communicated to our union vide 37-5/2010 –SPB-I dated 23-2-2010 that during finalization  of RR of Mail Guard & PA/SA the view of our union will be taken into account on the issue of 50% SCF quota in RR of MG and SA of RMS. Unfortunately  no proposal has been demanded from us and RR has been finalized.

 Thus we demand that  our  proposal to create 50% promotion  quota on SCF basis in SA cadre for promotion from Mailguard cadre  may be created and RR by  modifying it .  

Item No. 2:  Revival of 101 Sorting offices abolished by a policy of Department:

  An communication over Merger / Abolition  of RMS office was issued vide No. 28-19/2006-D dated 19-09-2007 to    inform us that 101 sorting offices were closed on account of agreement with recognized unions. This decision was operationally advantageous and will lead to expedited delivery of Mail. It is also a part of initiative to consolidated Mail offices and Rationalize Mail Network to  reduce cost of operation , quality of service and ensure optimal utilization  of resources.  The decision has put following draw backs in RMS operations .

1.     Mail , now at this stage, are  badly delayed.
2.     The employees have to handle many  times  an article than he was handling previously. 
3.     Unnecessarily travelling of Mail between one stations to another is the out come of Hub system .
4.     Since Govt. has decided to scrutinize the sorting offices with help of  recognized union , they have only taken care that offices  where there members of recognized unions are  posted that offices were  not abolished and were Bharatiya union members were employed that offices were abolished. 

   Thus we demand that those offices which have been abolished due to MNOP may be revived. 

Item No. 3: Utilization of Mail Vans standing in the loco set of Railways.

The Deptt. has beard  the cost of constructing the Mail Vans according to our use and  utilization  to Railways Deptt.. But the Railway slowly & slowly discontinued its instead used them as accidental van is some place and preformed to stand then in Railways yards without informing Deptt. of Post. How a days it is very hard to manage sections in SLR and handicapped bogies

 We demand that an order for utilization of Mail Vans may be issued for the purpose matter may be taken up Railway Authorities is urgent.   

 BPCWNGEU - affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1 : Clubbing of communication  dated 23-10-2010 issued  by PE section and dated 12-8-2011 issued by PCC section of Department of Post in order to correctly fix the pay of Wireman working as Postal building maintenance staff under CPMGs and those working under Civil Wing.

 With regard to pay scales of Wireman working in Department of Post a communication No. 2-12/2000-PE-I dated 23-10-2002 has been issued to clarify  that Wireman in  Deptt. of Post is an isolated post with entry pay 210-270 with replacement scale in IV the CPC as 800-1150 and with replacement scale  in 5th  CPC  as 2650-4000  and now 1800 G.P. in . 6th CPC. In a RTI reply Director PE has intimated that there exists a higher grade selection grade in scale of Rs. 950- in the cadre of Wireman working as Postal Building Maintenance staff.

In above background  vide para 2 of  Comm. No. 2-13/2009-PCC dated 12-8-2011 it has been decided that  pay scale granted to any wireman that is  not framing  a part of hierarchy then that was to be withdrawn  and fall in pay is to be granted as personal pay to be adjusted in future increments .  Similarly the ACP –I grade pay has been granted as  Rs. 4000-6000 & ACP-II granted  as 4500-7000.

The communication mentioned above are not been clubbed correctly by the Circle authorities and reductions in pay , if any , due to grant of wrong entry pay to the Wire Man  are  not being formed as personal pay to be adjusted with future increments. Also correct  ACP-I &ACP-II scale are also not been granted which is affecting further MACPS.   

At  this juncture  when employee of this dying cadre of wireman are retiring ( some of them retired also ) there is urgent need to issue specific orders by clubbing  all the  communication issued by PCC and  PE section of Department    so that correct pay fixation in ACP & MACP up-gradation of these employees can be reached. The order to open past and pension cases may also be issued with instructions to revise the pensions. 

Item No. 2 : The restructuring committee formed in Civil Wing of Department of posts is with holding its recommendations. We demand that the recommendations may be produced for financial concurrence and for approval of Secretary post for onwards submission to Finance Ministry. 

Item No. 3. Filling of vacant post of Group ‘C’ including MTS & Junior Engineers (Civil / Electrical )  employees.

            It is to mention that he Civil Wing of Department of Posts has acute shortage of Clerical and MTS employees. Several Posts are lying vacant since long back and the work is being managed somehow. Therefore this union urges upon for filling up the vacant post. 

            It  is to mention that more than 50% of sanctioned strength of Junior Engineers are lying vacant. Due to shortage of Junior Engineers proper repair and maintenance of building are not being carried out timely with proper quality control. Due to this the image of the Department is maligning. For example in the state of Bihar, 03 (three) civil Sub-division are functioning with sectioned strength of 04 (four) each sub-division. Out of which only 02 (two) Junior Engineer ( C) is working . Presently { (4x3)-2} = 10 post of Junior Engineer (C ) is lying vacant in the state of Bihar only.

            We demand, filling up the vacant post of Clerical and MTS employees & Junior  Engineer (Civil/Electrical ) by direct recruitment and by holding of departmental examination for he post of Junior Engineer (Civil/Electrical ) under Departmental Quota.

  BPAOEU (Admn.)  affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1 : Opportunity to appear in PSS Gr. B Exam.

There is no promotional opportunity for Administrative staff PA (CO) in the present structure of Postal Deptt. It is therefore demanded that Administrative employees along with Civil wing , SBCO and  RMS employees may be allowed to appear  in PSS Gr. ‘B’ Exam. .

Item No. 2: Regarding Appointment on Compassionate basis in promotion quota as there is no restriction over it.

 Sir, one hand ample number of vacancies remaining unfilled since 5 years i.e. from date the Govt. has lifted ban an recruitment in year 2009 and on other hand the dependents of deceased employees are awaiting their turn for compassionate appointment due to ceiling of 5% vacancies and the merit point system for Compassionate appointment.

            We demand as one time measure , absorption of these applicants in direct as well as promotion quota of vacancies’ appearing in M.T.S. , Postman / Mailguard , PA/SA , LDC and Junior Accountant posts.
Item No. 3: Review of CGHS system adopting in Lucknow (U.P.) on adock  basis:

Earlier, there was P&T dispensary system in Lucknow for Postal & Telecom employees. In last year CGHS system was introduced in Lucknow on experimental basis. The CGHS dispensaries are unable to provide proper treatment of employees and therefore allowing them to   purchase medicine from market. This scheme is better for retired employee and not for employee in service. Therefore we demand that old system may be introduced in lucknow and retired employees may be allowed to be become CGHS beneficiary .

 Bharatiya Extra Departmental Employees Union (GDS)  affiliated to BPEF

Item No. 1: Reducing compulsion of 50% merit point for appointment on compassionate ground in GDS cadre to 30% :

 Revised instruction No. 17-17/2010-GDS dated 1-8-11 were issued  making compulsory  for dependent of deceased employee for appointment on compassionate basis to  attain   50% merit points to become eligible for compassionate appointment in GDS cadre.

            We demand that if the Department intends to impose  merit point compulsion then  it should not  be more than 30% .

Item No. 2 : Regularization of GDS employees :

 In earlier days the G.D.S. were employed to serve the Deptt. on honorary basis.  These employees have alternate source of income and compulsorily have landed property.

Now  with change in RR , the G.D.S. can get employment anywhere in India , thus their source of income is only the remuneration they get on employment under GDS .  Since business and financial scheme are being lunched regularly and GDS were also included in the process of earning and targets of business are being allotted.  This involves there whole day for the service of Department. Therefore, now the time has come

1.     To regularize them as permanent Civil Servant under Article 309.
2.     50% Gr. C post may be reserved for them.
3.     Relaxation in age and marks to be obtained in examination may be made. 
4.     Three MACPS may be guaranteed to them.           

Item No. 3 : The GDS may be brought under preview of 7th CPC.

                                                                                                         S.K. MISHRA 
                                                                                                    SECRETARY GENERAL 


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