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Thursday, 1 May 2014

Minutes of the meeting held with DDG (PAF) and the office bearers of BPAOEA on 04.04.2014 in the chamber of DDG (PAF), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi

A meeting with the office bearers of BPAOEA was held on 04.04.2014 to discuss agenda items furnished by the Association.

The following were present in the meeting:-

Sri Rajnish Kumar Jenaw, DDG (PAF)
Sri Sanjay Kumar, Director (Budget & Admn)
Sri R S Rawat, ADG (PA Admn)
 Sri C M Pillai, President
Sri Sanjay Kumar Sinha, General Secretary
 Sri Shiva Kant Mishra, Secretary General, BPEF
 Sri S B P Khushwanshi, Asst. Gen. Secretary

The points discussed and the action proposed during the meeting is as follows:

Old Items:
Sl. No.
Points raised by the Union
Reply to be given
This association feels that the administration is not taking the vigorous approach in respect of finalisation of RR of AAO CADRE.  It has been seen that instead of taking action as per finalized RR the PA Wing is trying to choose optional method to fill up the vacant post Gazetted AAO cadre instead of clearing queries made by DoP&T properly.
The proposed RR of AAO and AO cadres have been submitted to the Nodal Ministry on 28.07.11 for their approval.   The matter is under active pursuance with DoP&T.

(Action: PA-Admn III)
Replacement of ACP I and ACP II for erstwhile Group D cadre whose ACP were due between 01.-1.2006 to 01.09.2008.
       FAQ along with note sheet of DoP&T widely circulated to all PAOs is not being implemented properly.
The clarifications issued by PC Cell of Directorate vide letter dated 04.11.2013 has already been endorsed to all PAOs vide this office letter dated 23.12.2013.  However, the matter relating to erstwhile Group ‘B’ cadre of Postal Accounts Offices is under examination and necessary clarifications will be issued shortly.
(Action: PA-Admn I)
Grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- to Senior Accountants – It has been learnt to this association that some queries have been made by MoF in the matter such as:
(i)  To submit the background history parity/disparity of pay occurred in the cadre
(ii)              Proper concurrence/approval of competent financial authority along with approval of MoC would be obtained.
This Association wants a specific meeting in the matter for early redressal of the problem.
The Association will be asked to submit the detailed outlines for further processing of the case.

(Action: PA-Admn I)
Redressal of problem arised in the office of the GM (PAF) Kolkata due to non-cooperative and negative attitude of the administration
After discussion the item closed.

(Item closed)

New Items:
Sl. No.
Points raised by the Union
Reply to be given
Grant of 3% increment and differences in grade pay to all senior accountants during promotion to AAO cadre
Financial upgradtion under MACP and subsequent fixation are governed by the MACP rules.  The instructions/orders are being issued by DoP&T/PC Cell of the Directorate which are being followed.
(Item closed)
Cadre restructuring in PAOs
The matter has already been initiated with seeking status of similar proposal from other Accounts Organisations.  The Association will be asked to submit the detailed outlines with supporting documents for further processing the case.
(Action: PA-Admn II)
a)   RR for MTS cadre in PAO
The matter is under examination
(Action: PA-PACE)

b)  The GSR (E) notified on 25th June related to amendment of the Circle PAOs (SAs) RR 1988 through which entry of column 11 of the said RR for the letter and word ‘six years’ has been replaced by the word ‘three years’ may be enforced from the date the same was reversed vide notification 752 (E) dated 13.12.2006 so that the officials who were adversely affected should get their promotions in SA cadre from retrospective date.
It is also requested that the benefit provided by the PAO Delhi administration to its employees as per direction of Hon’ble CAT may be extended to all similarly placed employees.
The service condition of 6 years prescribed for promotion of JA to SA was reduced to 3 years by suitably amending the RR vide Notification dated 25.06.09 published in the Gazette dated 26.6.09.  The revised provision will always take effect from the date of publication of the notification in the official Gazette.  The CAT/Court cases as and when arised are being defended on these lines only.  The concession given by the PAO Delhi cannot be extended to others since an error or a concession in the case of some persons would not confer an entitlement on another and equality cannot be achieved by perpetuating wrongs.

(Item closed)

c)   Pay protection may be provided to the officials of PAOs transferred under Rule 38 as per provision made in the rules and instructions issued by the Postal Directorate thereon.
The issue is subjudice and no further action can be taken for the present till the outcome of the judgment in the matter in litigation.
(Item closed)

d)  Adhoc Promotion in AAO Cadre from Senior most Senior Accountant in PA wing Postal Directorate, New Delhi-It has been learnt to this Association that in PA Wing Postal Directorate, New Delhi, very senior Senior Accountants are ignored for Adhoc Promotion in AAO Cadre due to lacuna in procedure adopted for this.
It is to mention that PA Wing of Postal Directorate is not composed of only staff from PAO, Delhi but it is an all India entity and staffs are derived from all PAO. Discrimination among staffs in allowing opportunity will retard the moral of deprived staffs and as such hamper their performance.
If PA Wing seniority among Sr Accountants working in PA Wing Postal Directorate for any Adhoc Promotion/Local Officiating arrangement will be made then anamoly stated above could be avoided. There is no problem in preparation of Seniority List on local basis.
It is therefore urged upon you kindly to look into the matter personally for amicable solution of the same.
The existing arrangement is till finalisation of RRs of AAO.
(Item closed)

e)   Immunity from transfer to office bearers of the Association- It has been come to the notice of this Association that the office bearers of this Association in PAOs are transferred without observing any norms as per rules and instructions issued by Postal Directorate in this regard.
For Example; In PAO, Lucknow the Assistant Circle/Branch Secretary, Sri Dharmanand Mishra has been transferred frequently by the Administration which is irregular. Several such irregular transfers have been made in other PAOs also.
As such it is urged upon you that the said transfers should be stopped immediately and suitable instructions regarding transfer of office bearers of the Association and allocation of work thereon may kindly be specified and circulated to all PAOs.
All PAOs will be asked to follow strictly the instructions issued by the Department/Nodal Ministry in this regard.

(Action: PA-Admn II)

(f) Undue dilution in constituting IAI Party in PAOs – It has been noticed that the IAI Party is not being constituted properly in PAOs. In some PAOs only one Sr. Accountant/AAO were deputed to IAI Party whereas some IAI Parties move without Accounts Officer. Thus the IAI Party is being diluted which is irregular and it creates a lot of problems to perform the duties as per Questioners along with the work allocated to the officials deputed in IAI Party.   It is also to mention that the employees of PAOs are being implicated as co offender and subsidiary offender in different fraud cases occurred in post offices for no fault of them.
As such it is urged upon you to issue necessary instructions in this regard to all PAOs to constitute the IAI Party as per norms properly.
As per the revised questionnaire for the Internal Audit of Postal Field Units 2010, the composition of the Internal Audit Party for the inspection of field units would be as under:
SAO/AO:  1
AAO        :  2
SA/JA      :  2
All the Postal Accounts Offices have been already instructed to employ the revised questionnaire vide this office letter No. 4-1/2009-PA (IA)/2900 to 2919 dt. 27.08.2010. As such instructions already exist for the composition of the IA party which includes one SAO/AO and two AAOS.  However, the above instructions will be reiterated to ensure that the order issued by this office about the composition of Internal Audit Party is followed by the Postal Accounts Offices.

(Action: PA-Internal Audit)

(g) Facilities to the Office Bearers of the Association on visit to Circle PAOs for meeting/membership Drive- It has been observed that during the visit to Circle PAOs for meetings/membership drive by the office bearers of BPAOEA, they were restricted to meet the employees of PAOs by leader of sister organization which is highly objectionable. This Association is of the view that no injustice should be done to any organization during the course of visiting in PAOs for the said purpose. The local administration should take care of it.
Instructions will be issued to all PAOs on the subject.

(Action: PA-Admn II)

The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.
(R.S. Rawat)
Assistant Director General (PA-Admn)

No. 202 (4)/2014/PA Admn II/                                                            Dated            April 2014

Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
1.      PPS to Member (Finance)/Advisor (Finance), Telecom Commission.
2.      PS to DDG (PAF)/Director (B&A)
3.      General Secretary, BPAOEA
4.      Office copy & Spare

Assistant Director General (PA-Admn)

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