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Monday, 3 June 2013


D.G. Posts No. 137-32/2013-SPB.II                                                          dated 29th May, 2013.
                   I am directed to say that it has been observed that there has been a tendency on the part of several officials at various levels to by-pass the prescribed channels of submission of representations / petitions or to submit advance copies of representations to Secretary (Posts) / Director General (Posts) / Member (Personnel) / DDG (Personnel) / Director(Staff) requesting for promotion ,pay fixation, grant of MACP, transfer under Rule 38, posting to a particular station , expunction of adverse remarks, appointment to specific position, etc..Even in such matters, where the Circles are competent to decide the representations, the officials are sending representations/petitions or advance copy of representations to Directorate. Mere perusal and / or processing of such letter consumes significant time at different levels in the Directorate.

2.         In this context, it is pointed out that Rule 115 of the P&T Manual Vol. II states that any representation, which is not an appeal should be designated as a petition. According to Rule 118-A (1) of the said Volume, any petition or copy thereof which is sent direct to the Director General or to any subordinate authority , instead of through the proper channel , will be filed , no notice of any kind being taken of it.

3.    Further, the CCS(Conduct) Rules,1964 clearly provide that whenever a Government servant whishes to press a claim or seek redressal of a grievance in any matte connected with service rights or conditions, the representations should be forwarded through proper channel.

4.         In spite of adequate and clear instructions regarding the manner in which the representations should be submitted by the Government servants, the representations / petitions or copies of representations are being submitted  directly to higher authorities in violation of the said instructions.
5.         In view of the above, the Circles are requested to bring the above position to the notice of their employees and advise them to refrain from sending advance copies of representations / petitions or copies of the representations to the authorities in the Directorate. Any such communication not received through proper channel will be filed without taking notice of it. Administrative action may also be taken against officials for violation of rules / instructions on the subject.
(Alka Tewari)
Assistant Director General(SPN)

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