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Friday, 17 May 2013


No. 17-17/2010-GDS                                                                                        Dated: 09-03-2012


            A reference is invited to this Directorate letter of even number dated 14 December, 2010 and 01 August, 2011 vide which the scheme for engagement of GDS on compassionate engagement cases to be considered on or after 0-01-2011.

2. The Scheme has recently been reviewed in this Directorate and partial modification to the existing provisions of the Scheme. The following provisions are hereby to be substituted with the approval of the competent authority:-

(a)  The attribute of assessing indigence appearing at Ser. 7- Educational Qualification of Applicant” on Page 3 of this Directorate letter No. 17-17/2010-GDS dated 14-12-2010 is deleted.
(b)  The attribute of assessing indigence appearing at Ser. 2- outstanding liabilities for Education/ marriage of dependent children” on Page 2 of this Directorate letter No. 17-17/2010-GDS dated 14-12-2010 is substituted as under :-

S.No.         Points                                                                    Criteria

1.                  20 for two or more dependent Children        For education of Children
                               15 for one dependent Child

2.                 20 for two or more daughters                        For marriage of daughters
                        15 for only daughters
     (C) The attribute of assessing indigence appearing Ser.6- Discharge Benefits i.e. under NPS life and Group Insurance Benefits received by family on Page 3 of this Directorate letter No. 17-17/2010-GDS dated 14-12-2010 is substituted as under :- 

S.No.   Pints                                                                Slabs for benefits on discharge

1.     20                                                                   Rs. 75000 & below
2.    15                                                                    Below Rs. 1,50,000 but above Rs. 75000
3.    10                                                                    Rs. 1,50,000 & above

(d)The words ‘ Proposed’ appearing under criteria 1,3,5, & 6 on page 2 &3 of this Directorate letter No. 17-17-2010 –GDS dated 14 December, 2010 may be taken as deleted.

(e) Apart from the above, cases where the wife     of the deceased GDS has applied for compassionate engagement for her, she shall get 15 additional points as grace points. This is in line with the general principle that     the widow needs to be given preference for compassionate engagement. Such grace points shall not be permissible to the widower applicant.

3. All other provisions contained in the scheme dated 14-12-2010 as further modified under letter of even number dated 01-08-2011 shall continue to apply as already prescribed and all compassionate engagement shall be approved within the ambit of the prescribed Scheme only. It is reiterated that the existing criteria of 50 Points and above for adjusting ‘ hard and deserving cases’ stands.
4. The above changes shall take effect   from the date of application of the original Scheme. All cases which were considered & rejected by the CRC based on the earlier provisions of the new Scheme, may be reconsidered afresh based on application of the revised criteria within the time frame allowed under Para 7 (e) of this Directorate letter No. 17-17/2010 –GDS dated 14-12-2010 as fresh cases subject to availability of vacancies in the division concerned in view of removal of ceiling of 10% already without further reference to this Directorate.

5.Pursuant to the provisions now revise, where the  widow now applies  for the compassionate engagement following rejection of the case of one of her child; her case may also be taken as a fresh case to be considered as per the new scheme as modified. Thus before the already rejected cases are reconsidered, the widow may be given an option to be exercised in writing within one month on date of receipt of the communication to be issued by the Circle treating the application of her child as withdrawn & consideration of her application afresh to follow in due course . Where such an option is exercised, the already rejected application of her child may not be reconsidered and her fresh application may go processed expeditiously.   

                                                                                                           (Surender Kumar)
                                                                                                Assistant Director General (GDS)

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